A. Security
- Location – Where your team starts for the briefing.
- Sentries – Security for where your team at the start..
B. Weather
- Weather Forecast –
- First/last light – (sunrise and/or sunset).
- Visibility –
- Moon State –
- Cloud cover –
C. Task Organization
- Appointments – The chain of command and who is responsible for special roles.
- Task org. – One or two lines describing the tasks that will be performed by each element and detachment.
D. Ground Brief Orientation
- Map familiarization – describing important landmarks and characteristics of the terrain.
- Enemy – Important and strategic Positions and killing areas that may be used by the enemy.
- Friendly – Important positions, neighboring forces, AO boundary lines and the limits of exploitation.
1. Situation
A. Enemy Forces
- Strengths –
- Locations –
- Weapons –
- Equipment –
- Obstacles –
- Defensive fire positions –
- Air threat –
- Artillery Support –
- Likely intentions and reactions –
B. Friendly Forces
- BattleGroup commanders intent – (Mission from Warnord).
- Neighboring forces actions that effect the operation.
- Outline fire support plan.
- Attachments or detachments – Such as elements separated from your force, or new elements attached yo your force.
C. Civilian Population
- Numbers –
- Location –
- Vehicles –
- Sympathies –
2. Mission
- The overall mission intention – To RECCE / Observe / Listen / Destroy / Snatch / Ambush / Mark / Secure… In Order to …
3. Execution
A. Concept of Operations
- C.O’s Intent –
- Scheme of maneuver – How the troop will achieve it’s mission, including support from other units.
- Main Effort – Each elements involvement with the Main Effort.
B. Mission Statements
- A paragraph for each team or element detailing their specific tasks. Eg: Mission…, in order to… (be prepared to… (if reserve)).
- Summary –
C. Coordinating instructions
- Timings – No Move Before, Move to FUP, H-Hour, etc…
- Preliminary Moves – Assembly area, FUP.
- Coordinating Fire – Priority targets, Target Areas, Battle-Positions, Control points, IPs
- Fire Plan – TRPs, pre-planned fire missions.
- Re-Org Instructions – Rally points for after attack and fall back
- Actions-on – Reaction to specific events, eg: Halts, Suspicious activity, Communication failure, being lost.
4. Service Support
- Kit requirements –
- Other Logistics
5. Command and Signals
- Radio Channels
- Call Signals