Candidate (Cdt)
This is the probationary rank for member who have passed selection, but have not yet had ZA Doctrine and Tactics Training. Members who hold this rank are not yet considered full members.
Private (Pvt)

This is the first rank for full fledged ZA member and represents someone who has completed both selection and ZA Doctrine and Tactics Training. Members of this rank can also be seen as new grunts.
Lance Corporal (LCpl)

This rank represents an experienced member who still wishes to act as a grunt, but due to their knowledge and experience, can take on the lowest level leadership roles if necessary.
Corporal (Cpl)

This rank represents an experienced and knowledgeable ZA member who has an expressed interest in a basic leadership role, and/or performs a specialized and independent role. This is also the highest rank a member can have if that member also belongs to another group.
Sergeant (Sgt)

This rank represents an experienced and knowledgeable ZA member who is well regarded by his/her peers
Staff Sergeant (SSgt)

This is the highest rank a standard member may have, without moving into HQ. This rank represents an experienced and knowledgeable ZA member who is well regarded by his/her peers and has an expressed interest in a higher level leadership role.
End of standard ranks.
HQ Ranks
The following ranks represent members of HQ and some of them may represent specific roles in HQ that only one member can hold at a time. All these ranks can be considered higher than Sergeant and equal in rank (though not necessarily) with each other, with the exception of the 2Lt.
1st Lieutenant (1Lt)

This rank represents a member of HQ
Captain (Capt)

This rank represents the head of HQ, and the Commanding Officer of ZA, and is thus responsible for the general management of the group, and has the main authoritative role in ZA.